Boxing Week!!!! 25% off on cart total above $150. All order will ship on Jan 2nd
Our Lion’s Mane mushroom tincture is a potent and bioavailable dual extract. Made to be taken every day, this tincture acts as a nootropic -improving mood, memory and focus while also providing support for mild memory issues associated with aging.*
Rainbo mushrooms are sustainably cultivated in Canada.
Made with love. Consume with reverence.
Lion’s mane has been shown to support*:
Read more about Lion's mane here
How to use:
Shake before use. Squeeze top twice to get 1ml of tincture. Take 4ml twice a day. Consume with water, in coffee, tea, smoothies, elixirs, milks, or as advised by your healthcare practitioner. Keep out of reach of children. Store out of direct sunlight.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult a health care practitioner prior to use